Separation & Removal of Oil from Aqueous Solutions
Superior performance and maintenance free operations makes Sureflo Oil Separator (SOS) best available option for various industries. SOS can remove floating and dispersed oils from water at the rate of 2-5 M3/Hr ,while cleaning automatically itself.
Specially designed for:-
- Cooling Tower Basin Floating Oil – Online Removal & Separation.
- ETP Tank Floating Oil – Online Removal & Separation.
- Industrial Washers.
- Coolant Systems.
- Mop Waters.

Oil Water Separator
SOS contains multiple conical elements which we manufacture from high grade oleophilic materials. The oily water is delivered under pressure into the centre of these elements _ owing upward toward the top of the vessel. Once at the top any free oil, grease and low density suspended solids are allowed to flow over a weir. The Partially cleaned fluid is directed to the outside perimeter of the elements. It then follows a torturous path cascading down and around each cone continually. The lower density fluid is drawn up the inclined oleophilic surface of the cone element and back into the lower pressure center of the separator where it joins the incoming fluid and is redirected to the top of the vessel. Convection currents are created within the cone elements by the density variation down the fluid column and the upward _ow of the incoming oily water. The treated fluid enters the output leg free of and are discharged to a collection point. Stripping the smallest oil particles from the water. Contaminants and flows up and out of the system.

Oil Water Separator

- Blank Washers, Coil Washers, Machine Tool Coolant.
- Marine & Bilge, Metal Stamping, Oil Spill Recovery.
- Parts Washing, Process Water, Quench Oil Systems.
- Steel Mill Water, Steel Treating, Wash Down Pits.
- Wastewater Plants and Pits.
- Manual unit | Stainless pump
- Electric pump | Solids discharge pump
- Waste oil transfer pump | Fixed or floating skimmer