deploys its semi-automatic robotic system “Sureflo – TEKNOSUCTION” wherever our bigger robots can’t work due to limitation of structure like ETP or STP tanks with diffused aeration systems, Cross Current Cooling Towers, Thickeners- Clarifiers and so on.
Diffused Aeration systems restricts the movement of submersible robots thus we use a movable robotic arm to suck sludge out from bottom of tank leaving diffuser undamaged.
Semi-robotic “Sureflo – TEKNOSUCTION” system can pump out any form of sludge /mud or sediments from bottom. Sureflo The robotic arm can be mounted on a structure to clean whole tank length & width.
Semi robotic arm works on venturi principle whereby a low pressure suction zone is created the hose causing it to pump muddy water, slurry etc from the bottom of basin to the drainage or Sureflo mobile treatment systems to recycle water back to the basin and obtain dry cake.
Best suited for aeration tanks, where efficiency of aeration has started suffering due to sludge deposition at the bottom. This system does not require any shut down and can work in operation conditions.

ETP – STP Tanks Sludge Removal

ETP – STP Tanks Sludge Removal