Large refineries and petrochemical companies hold heavy oils, as crude oil, in large tanks. With time, heavy sediments accumulate at the bottom of the tanks, partially obstructing the tank & preventing its proper and economical operation. Maintenance teams must shut-down operation & clean the sediments. They also perform routine maintenance, e.g., welding, that require a gas-free state within the tank.
Cleaning such tanks requires a massive work force & long shut-down periods of the tank, up to several months. Furthermore, petrochemical companies do not accept the sediments for re-use. Regulations classify these sediments as hazardous waste which requires disposal in special depositories. All this makes tank cleaning a costly operation.

Crude Oil Tank Cleaning
Sureflo Techcon Limited has robotic arms with high pressure pumps for removal of deposited in sludge in the tank and a mobile physio-chemical treatment system to recover oil, recycle water and obtain dry cake with oil content less than 10%. Our systems are designed for No Man Entry cleaning concept. Sureflo “MINI” robots are used for final cleaning stage of the tanks.
- Lower direct costs of cleaning.
- Recycling of up to 95% of sediments that can re-used by customer.
- Reduced cost in disposal of only 5% (Five Percent) of sediments which require special post-treatment.
- Substantially shorter shut-down time.